Press coverage in the gaming world continues to chug along at a leisurely pace in week 6 with Fortnite getting the most once again. New challenges and Harley Quinn themed content were the most covered elements of the in-game events topic which accounted for 10.5% of the games PR. The second most covered subject was eSports at 9.8% followed by characters at 9.4% which again mentioned Harley Quinn skins.
Apex Legends made a return to second position after the launch of its fourth season. As one would expect, the launch of the new season meant that in-game events were the most talked about topic, it made up 38.5% of the Apex PR. The launch of the new season also came with a trailer which led to the trailer, video & gameplay topic hitting 20.8%. In-game features was up next at 9.1% with more comprehensive breakdowns of new in game content.
In at number three, for all the wrong reasons, was Warcraft 3: Reforged. Players of Blizzard’s Warcraft 3 remake were not impressed with the game they received, many of which demanded refunds. This negative reception led to the opposed topic making up 39% of the games coverage. Reviews for the title made up 22.3% of the overall press followed by bug issues / patches with 8.5%.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare also returned to the top ten – in at four – as its new update became available. Naturally the DLC / content update topic was the biggest chunk of the games press at 22.9%. eSports was the second most covered topic at 6.8%, in-game features accounted for 6.3% of coverage.
Rockstar’s record breaking Grand Theft Auto V once again graced the top ten in week 6, finding its way in to fifth. Take-Two shared it’s Q3 financial report which revealed over 120 million copies of the game have been sold, the news led the sales / player numbers topic to make up 18.7% of overall press. 15.2% of GTAV’s PR centred around the subject of fan creations as a fans VR mod gained widespread online coverage. The retailer topic was the third most covered at 14.9% as articles talked about Steam’s record breaking simultaneous users and other stores offered discounts both of which commonly featuring GTA.
On the 3rd of February Platinum Games launched their Platinum 4 website and with it a Kickstarter campaign to finance a remastered version of their 2013 title The Wonderful 101. The reveal of the games Kickstarter page caught the attention of numerous media outlets and led to a 56.7% chunk of the games PR being based on the topic of launch details. The second most talked about subject was storyline at 14.6% as Platinum offered a narrative check in with Wonderful 101 character Luka as a stretch goal. Talk of special editions made up 8.1% of Wonderful 101’s coverage as articles discussed the different Kickstarter tier offerings.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons nears release and fans are clamouring for new information. Despite this, the activities based on few details available were enough to snag the seventh position. When it comes to topics been discussed Animal Crossing’s coverage broke down as follows: 23.7% in-game features, 14.9% launch details and special editions at 11.7% as articles talked about the Animal Crossing themed Nintendo Switch consoles.
In addition to Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar also managed to get a second game in to the top ten with Red Dead Redemption in eighth. Red Dead’s most covered topic was play modes with 22.2% as articles talked about the games online component receiving updates. Next up was sales / player numbers at 13.5% and retailer with 10.8% for the same reason as GTAV previously.
In ninth was The Outer Worlds returning to the top ten after a few weeks away. The biggest news surrounding Obsidian’s interplanetary RPG was the delay of the Nintendo Switch version of the title, the launch details topic accounted for 39.8% of coverage. Negative reactions towards the news that the delay came at a result of the Coronavirus lead to the opposed subject making up 25.8% of the PR. In other news sales on the other platforms made it past 2million, this news took up a 9.2% chunk of the games total press.
Counter Strike: Global Offensive rounds out the top ten with a hefty 62% eSports focussed press output. BLAST Premier Spring Series was in full swing during week 6 and contributed a lot of the Counter Strikes press coverage. The news regarding Steam’s record breaking simultaneous player numbers was also partially attributed to CS:GO which led to a 10.4% chunk of press on the retailer topic.