Distancing itself from the pack in week 41 was Fortnite. In week 41 Fortnite saw a 49% uptake in PR activity 8.2% of which was centred around in-game events, talking specifically about the end of Season X. 6.9% of the conversation discussed stages, location and area, relating to the change of map which would come with Season 11. eSports made up another 6.9% with current and upcoming events being the most common topic.
Death Stranding moved up two places in week 41 from fourth up to second despite a 3% drop in activity. The release of new information regarding NPCs meant that the subject of characters racked up 8.1% of the weeks online discussion. Further talk of the games launch details made up a 7.7% chunk of the games week 41 press, followed by the subject of celebrity at 6.1%, with Mads Mikkelsen talking about his role within the game.
In third in week 41 was Red Dead Redemption 2 with a week on week 20% increase in PR coverage. One of the bigger topics covered in the weeks coverage was technical specs, the hardware requirements for the upcoming PC edition surfaced during the week and made up 16.1% of the overall PR. 10% of Red Dead’s PR coverage for the week talked of the launch details regarding the new edition. Also released in the week were new 4k screenshots, demonstrating how the game will look once it lands on PC, the new visuals were 9.2% of week 41s total RDR2 coverage.
Back in this week’s top ten after a week of absence was Call of Duty Modern Warfare. A 224% increase in activity week on week secured Captain Price’s next outing the fourth spot. A hefty 28.6% of the activity was based on trailer, video and gameplay with Activision dropping new Launch Gameplay and Special Ops trailers. Required PC specs for Modern Warfare also did the rounds for an 11% share of the PR.
Fifa 20 held position in week 41 staying in fifth. Sales and player numbers were the main talking point for Fifa, the 2020 iteration topping sales charts and attracting 10 million players accounted for 24.3% of the games coverage. Next up was eSports which made up 8% of the PR followed by retailer with 6.2%.
Dropping from second to sixth last week was Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, a 55% decrease on the week previous. Reviews were the most common topic of conversation making up 19.5% of the weeks discussion. 8.3% of Breakpoint’s coverage talked of its sales and player numbers, another 5% came by way of conversation mentioning trailers, videos and gameplay.
Borderlands 3 once again sits in seventh position, as the game gets further from its launch date the PR coverage becomes a bit more varied; 12% of the PR focused on in-game features, 10.1% on sales & players numbers and a further 7% on guides, how to’s and walkthroughs.
Eighth position in week 41 was held by Apex Legends. 14% of the week’s Apex coverage centred around in-game features with activities discussing upcoming Halloween game types and the long awaited training mode. Specific talk of the Halloween in-game event was 12.8% of the week 41 Apex talk with a further 6.7% covering characters, mostly talking about rumoured new additions to the roster.
Doom Eternal had a huge 528% increase in PR activity in week 41, almost all the PR for Doom spoke about its release date being pushed back in to 2020.
Rounding out the top ten in week 41 was League of Legends, the big news topic in the League universe being eSports as the League of Legends Worlds 2019 got underway. As with Doom’s release date news, the League Worlds really made up most of the LOL PR for the week.